Bifrost wins 18th Polkadot 'parachain' slot to bring cross-chain liquid staking to PoS chains.

04 Jun 2022, 08:00
Bifrost wins 18th Polkadot ‘parachain’ slot to bring cross-chain liquid staking to PoS chains Bifrost, a cross-chain liquid staking derivative protocol, has just won the 18th Polkadot parachain slot. Now, Bifrost is planning on bridging from Kusama using the Polkadot infrastructure to bring cross-chain liquid staking to over 80% of public PoS chains. Note, Bifrost won Kusama’s fifth parachain slot on July 20, 2021. Currently, Bifrost has developed a liquidity derivative for staked KSM in order to promote the capital utilization of KSM in various DeFi scenarios as well as empower the security of the relay-chain consensus and promote the activity of KSM staking.